4 Proven Email Marketing Templates
If we find in this demo site, we can see that this post has a little label called recordings and afterward this post has a little label called audits now, this means this post is under the classification of recordings and afterward this post is under the class of surveys now,
if we add these classifications to the menu and when a client clicks recordings, it will show all the posts that are under the classification of recordings this will make it simple for the client to peruse your blog and get the data they need Okay! Thus, presently we should perceive how we can apply this to our blog along these lines, how about we return to our blog, and on the off chance that you see here you can see that we don't have any classifications
at the present time so how about we make them first along these lines, simply click the post that we made previously and afterward click alter post currently click add a new class and we'll enter a classification called how-to and the snap add new classification now as we've added this class, we should uncheck this and afterward click update currently we should add 1 more post in a different class. thus, how about we click add new and we should enter a title for our new post and afterward glue the substance and, we should make another class called news and afterward click add new classification presently, we've added the classification currently, we should add an included picture in this way, simply pick the picture that you need and afterward drag & drop it here and afterward click set highlighted picture currently click distribute along these lines, presently when we go to appearance and afterward click menus and afterward click classifications
You can see here that we have the classifications that we just made so select them and snap add to menu currently, we should re-mastermind this and afterward click spare menu presently, we should see our blog thus, presently you can see here that we've added the classification pages to the menu now, when a client clicks how-to it will just show the posts that are under how-to so this is how you make classifications and add them to the menu Next how about we perceive how to make this about page Now an about page is significant because it informs the perusers concerning you so to make this present we should return along these lines, already we made this about page however we didn't add any substance
so we should add the substance presently ensure you're on this page and afterward click alter now add the substance currently to add a picture simply click here and afterward click add media now pick the image that you need to utilize and afterward select the size I'm going to keep it as full size and afterward click embed into page currently click update and, at that point we should see our page thus, we currently have our about page Next, we will add substance to our contact page along these lines,
at the point when we go to our contact page, you can see that, it's vacant at the present time thus, we'll add this contact structure so that individuals can get in touch with us along these lines, to make this structure we have to introduce a module how about we return to our blog and afterward go to our dashboard and afterward go to modules and snap add new and afterward we should look for a module called Contact Form 7 when you see that, simply click introduce every so often click actuate now another menu thing will be added here as Contact thus,
simply click that you'll see this default contact structure there and close to which you'll locate this short code thus, simply select that and duplicate the code and afterward go to pages and afterward click alter under contact and afterward glue that code here now click update and now how about we see our page in this way, presently we have our Contact structure now at whatever point a client rounds out this structure and snaps send Now, the following thing that we will add to our blog is the social sharing catches along these lines, these catches will make it simple for your perusers to share your articles along these lines, to add that we should return to our blog and afterward go to the dashboard and afterward go to modules and snap add new now how about we look for a module called Social by Danny when you think that its simply click introduce from time to time click enact so that is it the catch will currently be added along these lines,
how about we watch that by returning to our blog and afterward click any of our blog entries and now when you look down you can see that we've presently added the social sharing catches now when we click here we would now be able to share this post on Facebook Next we will perceive how to add these online media interfaces Now, these connections will assist your perusers with discovering you via web-based media locales thus, to add that we should return to our blog and afterward click alter and go to menus currently, how about we make another menu for our web-based media connects along these lines,
simply click here and how about we name it as social and afterward click make menu currently, pick the area as social menu and afterward click add things presently go to custom connections and afterward enter the web-based media joins which you need to add in this way, on the off chance that you need to add facebook simply enter your Facebook page URL and afterward type facebook and click add to menu do likewise for Twitter and type Twitter and afterward click add to the menu and ultimately we'll add the google+ interface the content as google+ and afterward click add to menu thus, presently we've added all the online media interfaces along these lines, we should click spare and distribute and afterward we should return Okay! Thus, presently we've added the online media interfaces now, if we click here It will take you to your Facebook page