MAILCHIMP TUTORIAL 2020 - Email Marketing step by Step
Hello there Guys! This is Tecky Muneeb from World of adapting Today, I'm going to show you how you can make this blog in only 17 minutes So, this is the blog we will make It will have your own blog address this way, and afterward we will make this blog entry at that point we will make this menu and afterward, we're additionally going to make this about me & this follow me the area and afterward we will make this about page and this contact page so your perusers can reach you Now,
everything on this blog will be portably agreeable so it will look wonderful on any cell phone you use Before, we start, simply click the connection underneath the video and this will take you to Now the initial step is to pick a name for your blog so we should enter our blog name here I'm going to keep it as and afterward click check accessibility once it is accessible, we can go to the following stage which is to get area and facilitating so how about we click here and this will take us to
so we're going to utilize GoDaddy since they give the area for nothing and furthermore, a rebate on facilitating so we should click begin presently stay with this essential arrangement as this arrangement is ideal for a blog that you need to make so look down and afterward select the term as a year and afterward how about we look down and click proceed with now we should enter the blog address here again which is tech fruit and afterward click search currently click select and proceed with now eliminate this office 365 and click continue to checkout currently click make a record and simply fill-in your subtleties pick any 4-digit number as your PIN and afterward click make account currently enter your name and address and
pick the installment technique presently click proceed and submit your request currently, we should finish the installment thus, how about we set it up by clicking oversaw WordPress and afterward click next, of course, click straightaway and now we should enter a username and secret key for WordPress this will be utilized for signing into your blog at that point click introduce Now,
WordPress will be introduced whenever it's done how about we click begin and afterward click no way and snap alright so now we're inside this WordPress dashboard this is the place where you'll have the option to control your blog now, when we arrive at this page our blog will likewise be on the web thus, we should rapidly look at that by logging from at this very moment on the off chance that we enter our blog address and, at that point press enter you can see that our blog is currently on the web. at the present time, it has this default WordPress hope To introduce another topic we should log in back to our blog You simply need to add/slice login after your blog address and afterward press enter your username & the secret phrase and afterward click sign in along these lines, presently we're back to our blog thus, simply go here and look down to
stage 3 presently pick a topic that you like and afterward click this bolt and download that subject so the topic will currently be downloaded on your PC to introduce this topic we should return to our blog and afterward go to appearance and snap subjects currently click add a new topic and afterward click transfer topic presently click peruse and select the topic which you've downloaded then snap introduce and click actuate now how about we see our blog thus, as should be obvious, our blog has another look now
thus, how about we go to this demo website the main thing that we will add are these blog entries Blog posts are just the articles that you post to your blog in this way, to add your first post we should return to our blog and afterward go to new and click post presently, we should enter the title for our post and afterward glue the substance and now we should add an included picture so a highlighted picture is something which shows up on your blog this way so to add that how about we return to our blog here and afterward click set highlighted picture and afterward drag & drop a picture that you need to utilize and click set highlighted picture currently how about we distribute it and perceive what it looks like As you can see, we've made our first blog entry in this way, this is the way you can present articles on your blog Next we're going to perceive how to change the title of our blog at the present time, we've this default title so to transform it how about we go to alter and afterward click webpage character now,
we should enter our blog name and we'll likewise add a slogan and afterward click spare & distribute so now, we've changed the title of our blog Next we should perceive how to make this menu so to make this menu we should return to our blog and afterward click here and click menus currently how about we click to add a menu and we should name this menu as menu1 and snap make menu now we have to pick where we need our menu to show up on our blog along these lines, I'm going to choose it as a primary route which will cause the menu to show up, here thus, presently we should add the things to the menu in this way, we should click add things and first how about we click home and it will be added to the menu next, we'll add another page called about and afterward we'll add a page called contact Okay! Anyway, presently we have a home,